What do Physiotherapists Treat?

Physiotherapy is a widely known and practiced method of treatment throughout the world which is used to treat injuries, diseases and any muscular disorders with the help of special physical techniques alongside the normal treatments by medicine and surgery.

Role of a Physiotherapist

Although it is a common concept that a physiotherapist have only work to do with sportsmen and athletes because of their regular muscle spasms and injuries. While a dedicated sports physiotherapy Goodwood field does exist, general physiotherapy is extremely helpful when it comes to healing your muscle and bone impairments. Physical therapists are highly trained professionals in terms of diagnosis and treatment of the musculoskeletal impairments such as back pain. All throughout the course of their professional life physiotherapists treat people of all ages including the diseased one with cerebral palsy, stretching pregnant women or helping premature babies and even individuals who are going through a rehabilitation phase alongside athletes as well.

What do Physiotherapists Treat?

Muscular ache

One of the many problems that occur generally these days; is the muscular ache such as in the back. This can easily be treated by a physio Clarence Park as he/she helps you in easing the stiffness of the muscles, reducing pain and stimulating more blood to flow through instead of blocking. This is why Hydrotherapy and Massage therapies are also highly recommended to reduce the stress on your muscles and nerves, so you can rid free of the ache and relax. Some of the muscular problems that can be treated are:

• Neck and Back Pain

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• Shoulder Impairment

• Frozen Shoulder

• Strain Injuries

• Tearing of Tendons

• Sprains and Strains 

Sports Injuries

Sportsmen and athletes are regular visitors of a sports physiotherapist Adelaide because of the frequent exertion of body and muscles. Physiotherapy relaxes and eases the ache of sports athletes so that any stiffness present is removed, and the muscles are eased.

• Tennis Elbow

• Golfer’s Elbow

• Swimmer’s Shoulder

• Jumper’s Knee

• Runner’s Knee

• Shin Splints

Joint Problems

The more you age the more chances you have to develop a joint dislocation or pain. This is because age affects the flexibility of a joint. Physiotherapists assist in easing stiffness of joints, regulating fast and smooth circulation of blood, so that you can move easily. Physiotherapy helps in regaining your physical strength within your body because of the exercises and physical methods. Older people need special care, because they grow delicate with age.

Respiratory System Issues

Often physiotherapists perform exercises and stretches that help to clean your lungs and regulate your breathing. Physiotherapy is also useful in terms of alleviating pain and improving of posture which makes it instantly effective for easy and flowing breath. Patients suffering conditions (as mentioned below) are examples of respiratory issues.

  • Cystic fibrosis,
  • Pneumonia
  • Asthma
  • Lung cancer


Rehabilitation is the recovery period of people who have met an unfortunate accident or incident that resulted in serious injuries or have gone through surgeries. Other than that, cardiovascular and general rehabilitation programmes are run by the physiotherapist to enhance and promote easy circulation of blood throughout the body, reduce stress on heart, to build more muscle and even restore normal functions of the body e.g. walking and running. Examples of such conditions are:

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• Various forms of Arthritis including Osteoarthritis

• Joint Dislocation

• Joint Surgery to repair tendons and ligaments

• Knee Replacement or Hip Surgery

• Post fracture

• Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries

• General problems involving balance and falls (for elder people or infants)